Budgets do not work but a Spending Plan is essential to your Financial Well-Being

Judgement Free Zone!

You can gain control of you finances.

Budgets do not work but a Spending Plan is essential to your Financial Well-Being
There is Help... There is Hope!!!
Stop struggling with your finances!
Stop living pay check to pay check. Stop the stress, worry, and fights over money. Reduce debt, improve credit scores, grow savings and investments, meet goals.
Discover your path to Financial Well-Being...
~Have control over day-to-day, month-to-month expenses
~Have the capacity to absorb a financial shock / emergency
~Be on track to meet short and long term financial goals
~Have the Financial Freedom to be able to make the choices
that allow one to enjoy life
Beginning with the first FREE Initial Counseling Session, financial issues are discussed and solutions are developed with practical Action Plan steps. Professional counseling services are tailored to each clients specific needs, in a strictly confidential, un-biased, non-judgmental atmosphere.
About Me
Professionally Certified
Private / Confidential
Un-Biased Advice
Ethical Integrity
Affordable Rates
Empathetic Listening
Team Problem Solving
Implementation of Action Plans
Practical Solutions
Etc... Etc...
Financial Counseling
Build & Live Within a Spending Plan
Manage Credit and Debt
Reduce Debt... to ZERO!
Build Emergency Savings
Meet Short & Long Term Goals
Major Purchases
Teach Kids about Money
College Funding Plans
Insurance Needs Assessments
Retirement Funding
Etc... Etc...
Legal Shield / ID Shield
Personal Legal Advice
24 / 7 Emergency Access
Letters / Calls made on your behalf
Contracts & Documents reviewed
Wills / Living Wills
Healthcare Power of Atttorney
Traffic Issues / Consumer Issues
IRS Audit Assistance
Civil Trial Defense / Family Defense
ID Theft Monitoring and Restoration
Etc... Etc...
"George, you've transformed our lives!"
"He's down to Earth and really knows his stuff. No judgement or biases. Plus, he has VERY affordable rates."
I must say that when we first started this, I ws depressed and have been near tears almost every night! We have messed up - been a bad example for our kids, and so on, and so on. Now however, while I still have questions, I am starting to get excited! Can we really change our spot at this point in our lives? I think so, and I'm excited...
"He set me on course to make the necessary changes in my financial life... thanks to his continued support and guidance."